Business Intelligence

Control your business with
real-time Big Data

A Business Intelligence software with real-time Big Data dashboards for hospitality that allows you to know everything that is happening or has happened in any area of your business.

Forget about Excel

Make the most of the best Big Data
for hospitality

Nos conectamos con tu software TPV y leemos todos los datos de tu negocio para ofrecerte widgets personalizados donde ver la información más relevante de tus locales en tiempo real. Controla todos los datos de ventas y compras en el mismo sitio y no dejes que nada se te escape con nuestros widgets de Business Intelligence para hostelería.

Beneficios y herramientas

Data Reliability

The reliability of our data is total. Sales data comes directly from your POS system, and purchase data from our Purchasing tool. For our clients, this is one of the most important features when choosing us as their technology provider.

Real-time information

Obtain real-time information about your business operations. Our systems process millions of tickets annually from our clients, extracting the information carefully to feed our Big Data tool for hospitality.

Purchases and consumption auditing

Control all deviations independently of counts. Identify product disappearances and manufacturing issues. Automatically monitor the purchasing circuit of your franchisees to ensure it does not affect the agreed-upon rebates with suppliers.

Event notifications

If you need to stay on top of critical metrics at all times, you can activate mobile notifications for when the most important events for your business occur.

Track your goals

It allows you to monitor the achievement of your short, medium, and long-term goals in real-time. Store all your information in the cloud, so you can access the data you need anytime and anywhere.

Customizable dashboards

Our dashboards are fully customizable: view all the metrics that matter to you and gain an advantage every morning. Create your own panels and organize them with the most relevant information for you using our Big Data tool for the hospitality industry.


How is it to work with us?

We support you throughout the entire setup process, providing continuous advice and then conducting training in the most efficient and complete manner. Additionally, our support and customer success team will always be available to you.

Because we know that when you need help, you prefer to interact directly with a person in a close manner.

Because for us, every client is earned every month.