With this tool, you can perform the usual tasks of our web platform, but now from the comfort of your mobile device, from anywhere and at any time.
Control at your fingertips
Access Controliza tools anytime, anywhere.
Control at your fingertips
Access Controliza tools anytime, anywhere.
With this tool, you can perform the usual tasks of our web platform, but now from the comfort of your mobile, anywhere and anytime.
The functions include

Orders to suppliers

Orders by products

Receipt of goods/delivery notes

Warehouse counts

What it's like to work with us
We accompany you throughout the entire startup process, providing continuous advice and then delivering the most efficient and comprehensive training. Additionally, our support and customer success team will always be available for you.
Because we know that when you need help, you prefer to deal directly with a person in a friendly manner.
Because for us, every customer is earned every month.